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Nutricater has compiled a list of frequently asked questions (FAQs) to provide food lovers like you with easy access to information. Whether you’re curious about our menu, delivery options, dietary preferences, or anything else related to your Nutricater experience, our FAQs are here to provide you with quick and helpful answers. We believe that clear and transparent communication is key to your satisfaction, and our FAQs are just one of the ways we ensure you have all the information you need to enjoy your Nutricater experience to the fullest.
If you need to cancel your order before the seven day deadline, you can do so on your account Deliveries page. A $35.00 administration will be charged for refunds. Refunds cannot be processed after the deadline has passed.
Submit your order in the next 2 days and 13 hours to be included in our next delivery on .
Please verify your chosen delivery date or contact us for help.
Please verify your chosen delivery time slot or contact us for help.
Apologies, we can’t fulfill your order for this day. Please select another date or or contact us for help.
Sorry, we’ve reached our delivery limit for this time slot. Please choose another time slot or contact us for help.
Order total below $350. Adjust selections to proceed or contact us for help.
By proceeding with changes to your order, we will first refund the original amount and then charge you for the new cart.
By cancelling an order you understand and acknowledge that Nutricater is required to hold an admin fee of $35 dollars for the order. The remaining balance will be refunded to the original method of payment.